Output this from a category for projects with experts as explanations.
- General interest:
- Annual Reess Trend Report
- Answers to a bunch of trend questions I maintain and update — capable of allow you to compare certain data points.
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MyIFoFW1cIKwcp44PSWGXstloVg39wPhadXQ-miiwr8/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=104775311864150319462
- Newspaper Front Pages
- Sign up to receiving an email link every morning to a .pdf version of the homepage of the New York Times and Wall Street Journal.
- A Database of Database Options
- Pros and cons of various data organization tools I have used.
- ReadBeyondWords.com
- A website I made where you can download a copy of the influential, thought-provoking book my late Grandfather wrote.
- Birthday reminders app
- Receive email alerts every day about your friend’s birthdays.
- Annual Reess Trend Report
- Personal:
- Personal travel map
- Cheat Sheets:
- English Grammar
- Finance
- Math
- Sales
- Marketing
- Design
- Ideas:
- Lifebeat tracker
- NYC events aggregation
- Reessently Learned (newsletter) ← Great name
- Code:
- Pretty UL Options
- Pretty OL Options
- CSS Pointers / Images Explainers (Github)
- Auto-Expand Google Drive Folder (Github)
- Modified DynamicDummyImageCreator